To help customer marking their brand on bags, we can use different methods according to the logo style and required effect.

1) silk print logo

It¡¯s useful for logo with complicated design and needs little film charge, but it looks plain.

2)  embroidery logo

It¡¯s easy to make,with less computer-program design charge. But it¡¯s not suitable for too many color and unusual font. Also sometimes, the letter edge is not so clean as other logo making.

3)  Heat transfer logo

It¡¯s good at clean edge,3-dimentional effect,many colors. But its film making charge will be very high and need more MOQ for logo making.

4)  rubber logo

It¡¯s competitive in 3-dimentional effect and anti-erasion. Its MOQ is not big, but this method costs are based much on how many colors to be printed.